Report Volunteer Hours

Thank you for being a Friend of the Phil and for volunteering your time in support of the Orchestra!

Your efforts not only directly help the Orchestra and reduce expenses, but a high number of annual volunteer hours increases the Orchestra’s chances of securing grants and obtaining United Arts funding; this is why it helps if you tell us how many volunteer hours you put in.

Do include your travel time from home, coming and going!

Do not include your attendance at concerts or fundraisers unless you work at them, such as a reception, handling surveys, hosting or some other assigned task.

Please use decimals rather than fractions to report partial hours.

Any unpaid activity that helps the OPO such as: staffing the Front Desk, mailings, program stuffing, surveys, library assistance; production assistance, ushering at concerts, etc.
Activities related to planning; hosting; providing refreshments; on-site assignments; procuring auction items, etc. directed towards raising money for the OPO through Friends events.
Activities related to increasing and maintaining the membership in the Friends organization such as: distributing brochures promoting membership in the Friends, processing new membership and membership renewal applications, planning or hosting events for prospective members, etc.
Shopping for and preparing refreshments; serving at, setting up and breaking down on location
Hosting, in your private home, out-of-town musicians who drive to Orlando for a concert. This helps attract high quality musicians by reducing out-of-pocket expenses.
Assisting OPO staff with planning and on-site activities/follow-up/photography; procuring/providing refreshments for OPO education activities.
.Assisting OPO staff in mailings related to auditions, registering candidates and helping as needed prior and after individual auditions.
Assisting in managing the Friends’ organization including communications, planning, finance, web site, etc. Assist in coordinating arrangements for Friends meetings including providing luncheon food and refreshments. Attendance at Friends general membership and Board of Directors meetings.
Transporting out-of-town performers to/from airport, hotel or concert venue